Connecting the SQ80

Connecting the SQ80

The connections on the back of the SQ80 are as follows from Left to Right:
  1. Right / Mono If you want to use the SQ80 in MONO mode use this jack. Or in stereo this is the RIGHT output. For stereo the left jack must also be occupied. Connection is Mono Phono Plug. In mono mode: 340 Ohms. Left is 680 Ohms
  2. Left / Phones Plug a Mono phone plug here for the LEFT output in stereo. A stereo plug will be assumed to be a headphone (in which case the jack is only 51 Ohms)
  3. Pedal/CV Phono Plug input. Can act as a volume pedel, an expression "pedal" modulator, or way to get external CONTROL VOLTAGE into the synth. The use of this input is depentant on PEDAL= setting on MASTER page. When set to MOD this jack controls / sends MIDI controller #4, when set to VOL send controller #7. Requires a pedal with a TRS plug with the tip being the Control Voltage Input, Ring having a 2K Ohm resister to +12V, and Sleeve = ground. For control voltage a Normal phone plug will work with voltage (0-10VDC) on the tip and the sleeve being the ground. Maximum recomended modulation is 25Hz.
  4. Tape In Used for syncing with tape or other device not using the MIDI clock. 10K Ohms AC Coupled. Triggers from 500mVp-p to 5V p-p. 500 Hz maximum for syncing.
  5. Tape Out Used for syncing with tape. Write this signal when recording the first track on another track and then you can sync the sequencer to that via the Tape In. 22K Ohms Drive 1Vp-p @ 10 Ohm - 100mVp-p into 1K Ohm.
  6. Sequencer Normaly OPEN footswitch to start / stop sequencer. Jack is a Mono Phone type/
  7. Sustain Sustains notes held using a NORMALY OPEN footswitch connected to a Mono Phone Plug.
  8. MIDI OUT The MIDI Data Stream generated in the SQ80 exits for parts unknown here.
  9. MIDI IN MIDI data that the SQ80 might deal with enters here.
  10. MIDI Thru Data from MIDI IN is copied and sent out here.

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